About Us


Frome SouthAmerica to the world 

Or of objectives ar to contribute to our customers close attention and closeness, with the need to know what their needs ar to design a service according to their current business scenario, all with the intention of contributing with and attention off excellence, guarantee of their exports, and most importantly the security of their shipments.
as a company we know that each export is different, given the destinations, types of machinery, shipping for, type of transport etc.,so our work is of very high standars of rigor in each process for shipment.  

Succes is a long way to go 


Export all types Of Machinery, such as mining, industrial or other types of machinery, by sea , air , or land transportation, having as a competitive advantaje the hability to save costs in each process that the export of the unit have.

Our Vision 

Our vision is to become the best company in all off south america specialized in the movement and export of machinery to and from all over the world, under the premise of perseverance and delivering high quality services


to date our company has toured our country and a large part off south america, inspecting and evaluating different types off machinery for export our mobility has allowed us to develop business in different mining companies in our country, where the climatic conditions are very difficult to work, and high risk, our work team have been able to adapt to the demans of large minning companies and also to hard work in hostile climates where great equipment and professionalism is required. 

Mining Machinery Projects export

Ocean Freight

Inland Freifght



Wash Aqis


Dismantly and consolidation machinery